Welcome to our ReMax in Costa Rica video! Our incredible ReMax team along with some very talented local videographers from around the country worked together for nearly 4 months preparing, filming and editing this amazing video that is sure to make you want to travel or buy a place to live in Costa Rica.
We are so excited and proud of this amazing video, which stars many of our ReMax agents who are living the dream here in Costa Rica.
There is a saying: Once you come to Costa Rica, you'll always return. Prepare yourself to discover why. Costa Rica has the only democracy without a military in the Americas. 25% of the country is set aside as protected nature reserves and national parks. Costa Rica contains 5% of the world's biodiversity and only .03% of the world's land mass. Free public education has led to one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Universal healthcare is guaranteed by the constitution. Costa Rica has been voted the happiest country on earth. Re/Max in Tamarindo and our agents around the country look forward to meeting you here in paradise.